Suggested Text Book
- All of Statistics by Larry Wasserman
- Statistical Inference by George Casella and Roger Berger
- Statistics by David Freedman, Robert Pisani, Roger Purves and Ani Adhikari. 译:魏宗舒,施锡铨,林举干,李毅,吕乃刚,范正绮。
- Veridical Data Science by Bin Yu and Rebecca L. Barter
- R
- RStudio: Suggested IDE
- R Cheatsheet
- An introduction course of R by Xiangyu Chang: Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3, Lecture 4, Lecture 5, Lecture 6
- Python for Beginners
- Python Cheatsheet
- Python 数据科学实践 by 常象宇,曾智亿,李春艳,程茜著
- SciPy Tutorial
- NumPy Quickstart Tutorial
- MacTeX
- CTeX
- Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes
- Use Overleaf
- TeXStudio: Suggested IDE